ANN: XSL exampler

Subject: ANN: XSL exampler
From: "Dave Pawson" <dave.pawson@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 15:37:58 +0100
I've started a beginners guide to XSL.
Its linked from the XSLT faq at
marked as 'Printing XML files, a brief look at XSL'.
The url today is

It tries to show some of the basics, and hopefully will
permit an easy route into XSL if you learn by ripping
off material from others work, as I do.

It uses the May 99 WD so should run OK with fop and XEP.
To try and make it complete I've put links to all needed

I'm gratful to the staff at Renderx for the test files 
they published :-)

Comments appreciated.

Regards, DaveP

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