RE: a special char question

Subject: RE: a special char question
From: "Selim Cesic" <Selim.Cesic@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 15:56:14 +0200
<!>-----Original Message-----
<!>From: owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<!>[mailto:owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Kay Michael
<!>Sent: 23 June 2000 14:13
<!>To: 'xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
<!>Subject: RE: a special char question
<!>> HTML code (outputed from processor) looks like:
<!>> <TR bgcolor="#008000">
<!>> 	<TD><FONT SIZE="2"><b>Fri Jun 23 11:56:46 GMT+02:00
<!>> 2000</b></FONT></TD>
<!>> 	<TD><FONT SIZE="2"><b>&lt;6162</b></FONT></TD>
<!>> </TR>
<!>What XSLT processor are you using? It appears to be buggy.

LotusXSL of IBM

I have several versions here, but it appears that I am currently running on
0_18_5 (checked my classpath).

I'll try newer versions and let the list know if there are differences...



<!>Mike Kay
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