RE: Dial-up performance issue?

Subject: RE: Dial-up performance issue?
From: "Chris Bayes" <Chris@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 23:42:49 +0100
I think that you can doubleclick on the ! in the status bar to get a
description of the error. It is a long time since I used a browser without
some sort of debugger installed.

Ciao Chris

XML/XSL Portal

>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Doug Howell
>Sent: 07 August 2000 22:27
>To: XSL-List@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Dial-up performance issue?
>I've got an HTML page that loads XML and XSL docs and displays the
>transformation results. It works perfectly at home (running on my
>local hard
>disk), and there are no errors. However, when I upload it to the server at
>work and run it over the dial-up connection, the XML docs don't load, and
>the status bar says "error on page."
>I'm wondering if any of you have any experience with what might be the
>problem. Do I need to introduce some time delays? If so, where in the
>script, and how much time?
>Thanks for any help you can offer,
>Here's the HTML page source code [I've only included the loading functions:
>loadXSLCategories(), loadXSLAlpha(), loadAndTransformCategories(),
><script language="JScript">
>// global variables to hold references to objects
>var gobjResults;
>var gobjXML;
>var gobjXSL;
>function preparePage() {
>  window.status = "Loading XML...";
>  // get the reference to the results DIV element
>  gobjResults = document.all['divResults'];
>  // get the reference to the XML document parser
>  gobjXML = document.all['XMLDocument'];
>  // get the reference to the XSL stylesheet parser
>  gobjXSL = document.all['XSLDocument'];
>  // load the XML document and check for errors
>  gobjXML.load('openaccess.xml');
>  if (gobjXML.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
>    // error found so show error message and stop
>    gobjResults.innerHTML = showError(gobjXML);
>    return false;
>  }
>  // all OK, so do default transformation
>  loadAndTransformCategories();
>} // end of preparePage()
>function loadXSLCategories() {
>  // load the XSL categories stylesheet and check for errors
>  gobjXSL.load('openaccess-c.xsl');
>  if (gobjXSL.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
>    // error found so show error message and stop
>    gobjResults.innerHTML = showError(gobjXSL);
>    return false;
>  }
>  // all OK, so return true
>  return true;
>} // end of loadXSLCategories()
>function loadXSLAlpha() {
>  // load the XSL alpha stylesheet and check for errors
>  gobjXSL.load('openaccess-a.xsl');
>  if (gobjXSL.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
>    // error found so show error message and stop
>    gobjResults.innerHTML = showError(gobjXSL);
>    return false;
>  }
>  // all OK, so return true
>  return true;
>} // end of loadXSLAlpha()
>function showError(objDocument) {
>  // create the error message
>  var strError = new String;
>  strError = 'Invalid XML file !<BR />'
>           + 'File URL: ' + objDocument.parseError.url + '<BR/>'
>           + 'Line No.: ' + objDocument.parseError.line + '<BR/>'
>           + 'Character: ' + objDocument.parseError.linepos + '<BR/>'
>           + 'File Position: ' + objDocument.parseError.filepos + '<BR/>'
>           + 'Source Text: ' + objDocument.parseError.srcText + '<BR/>'
>           + 'Error Code: ' + objDocument.parseError.errorCode + '<BR/>'
>           + 'Description: ' + objDocument.parseError.reason
>  return strError;
>} // end of showError()
>function loadAndTransformCategories() {
>  window.status = "Loading XML...";
>  loadXSLCategories();
>  // perform the transformation
>  strResult = gobjXML.transformNode(gobjXSL);
>  // and update the contents of the DIV element
>  gobjResults.innerHTML = strResult;
>  // hide the List by Alphabet and Expand All buttons
>  // and show the List by Categories one
>  window.document.all["expandAllButton"].className = "showElement";
>  window.document.all["listAlphaButton"].className = "showElement";
>  window.document.all["listCategoriesButton"].className = "hideElement";
>  //show appropriate directions
>  window.document.all["directions"].innerHTML = "<p>The following Internet
>sites are open to all Borders home office employees. Click on a category
>heading to view/hide sites in that category. Click Expand All to expand all
>category headings. To list sites alphabetically, click List by
>  window.status = "";
>} // end of loadAndTransformCategories()
>function loadAndTransformAlpha()
>  window.status = "Loading XML...";
>  loadXSLAlpha(); //load the alpha stylesheet
>  // perform the transformation
>  strResult = gobjXML.transformNode(gobjXSL);
>  // and update the contents of the DIV element
>  gobjResults.innerHTML = strResult;
>  // hide the List by Alphabet and Expand All buttons
>  // and show the List by Categories one
>  window.document.all["expandAllButton"].className = "hideElement";
>  window.document.all["collapseAllButton"].className = "hideElement";
>  window.document.all["listAlphaButton"].className = "hideElement";
>  window.document.all["listCategoriesButton"].className = "showElement";
>  //show appropriate directions
>  window.document.all["directions"].innerHTML = "<p>The following Internet
>sites are open to all Borders home office employees. To list sites by
>category, click List by Category.</p>";
>  window.status = "";
>} // end of loadAndTransformAlpha()
><body onload="if (preparePage()) loadAndTransformCategories()">
><h1>Open Access Internet Sites</h1>
><div id="directions"><p>The following Internet sites are open to all
>home office employees. Click on a category heading to view/hide sites in
>that category. Click Expand All to expand all category headings. To list
>sites alphabetically, click List by Alphabet.</p></div>
><span id="expandAllButton" class="showElement"><button style="font-size:
>.5em" onclick="expandAll()">Expand All</button></span>
><span id="collapseAllButton" class="hideElement"><button style="font-size:
>.5em" onclick="collapseAll()">Collapse All</button></span>
><span id="listAlphaButton" class="showElement"><button style="font-size:
>.5em" onclick="loadAndTransformAlpha()">List by Alphabet</button></span>
><span id="listCategoriesButton" class="hideElement"><button
>style="font-size: .5em" onclick="loadAndTransformCategories()">List by
><object id="XMLDocument" width="0" height="0"
>  classid="clsid:f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221">
>  <param name="async" value="false">
>  <param name="validateOnParse" value="false">
><object id="XSLDocument" width="0" height="0"
>  classid="clsid:f5078f32-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221">
>  <param name="async" value="false">
>  <param name="validateOnParse" value="false">
><!-- to insert the results of parsing the object model -->
><div id="expandIndex" class="saveHistory">
><div id="divResults" class="sitelist"></div>
><hr width="100%" align="right" color="#CC9900" size="1">
>Doug Howell
>Tech Writer
>734.747.7471 or 477.2857
> XSL-List info and archive:

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