RE: outputting spaces in html table cells

Subject: RE: outputting spaces in html table cells
From: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 11:12:21 +0100
 Mike Brown 

> Specifically the characters come from the Universal Character 
> Set defined
> by ISO/IEC 10646. Since the I in ISO stands for Ivory Tower, you can't
> actually look at the ISO/IEC 10646 standard without paying 
> about US $400
> for the hard copy and its relevant amendments. Lucky for us, 
> though, the
> Unicode Standard parallels ISO/IEC 10646, and it is available 
> at a more
> affordable price -- see

This is the 'other half' of Tony Grahams book (Unicode Primer)!

Around 40UK pounds, 1100 pages, includes the CD.
 Nice one for the reference shelf.

I guess this one would have been a challenge even
for Sebastian to typeset <grin/>

Thanks Mike.

Regards DaveP 

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