Re: why is select=".[true()]" bad?

Subject: Re: why is select=".[true()]" bad?
From: Gary L Peskin <garyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 17:16:57 -0700
Mike --

Try self::node()[@id=1]

The "." is an AbbreviatedStep (production [12]) and cannot be followed
by a predicate according to production [4].  That production requires

	AxisSpecifier NodeTest Predicate*


Mike Brown wrote:
> Why is it that a predicate is not allowed when I do something like
> <xsl:variable name="foo" select=".[@id=1]"/>
> I mean if the current node has an 'id' attribute numerically equal to the
> number 1, then $foo will be the current node; otherwise it will be an
> empty node-set, right? Both SAXON and XT gripe at me for having a
> predicate after . at all. I can't even say ".[true()]"! What's the deal?
> I don't see anything in XPath prohibiting this.

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