Re: Detecting MSXML

Subject: Re: Detecting MSXML
From: mnaughto@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 18:50:13 +0100
Try to create a "new ActiveXObject"  with a ProgId available only in the in the
MSXML3 Tech Preview/Beta.

For example:

Using error-trapping, test whether the operation succeeds.

Trouble is, I think you can't tell which release you've got (Jan, March, May,
July 2000).

An alternative is to use the FileSystemObject, to test for the existence of
msxml3.dll (probably in windows/system),
with the appropriate FileVersion information.

But you can only do that if the user lets you use the "unsafe" FileSystemObject
in your script.

You could, of course, do both...


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