Sorting Issue

Subject: Sorting Issue
From: "Jon Wynacht" <jwynacht@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 08:03:33 -0700

I have an xsl here:

that I'm trying to get xsl:sort to work on. However, it's not working the
way I thought it would work.

I declare an xsl:param at the top of the page and set it to 1; this would
normally get set by a servlet, but for development I'm just setting it

My second template matches PXML and test for the value of $sort, the param,
and applies the other template and sorts it all by Title.

Or so I thought. It doesn't do that at all.

In the next template though, I have this statement <xsl:sort
select="Title"/> and if I uncomment it, things sort fine. However, I need to
be able to sort based on a passed parameter, which will correspond to sort

Any help here is greatly appreciated, as always.



PS - I'm using the old namespace because I'm using the old parser (v0185)
but as soon as I solve this problem I'll be moving to Xalan.

Jon Wynacht
Web Developer/New Technologies
Field Operations Engineering
Cisco Systems

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