performance statistics

Subject: performance statistics
From: "Sebastian Rahtz" <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 20:29:24 +0100 (BST)
You'll probably recall my performance tests of a month or two ago. I
am in the process of updating my tests (David Carlisle suggested an
interesting one, using <xsl:number> with and without extra
attributes), and re-running things. But I wanted to take the chance
now to say that the recent release Sablotron 0.43 really makes a huge
difference. If you look at my old tests and find the Sablotron speed
worrying, please make sure you get 0.43 or later.

As soon as Sablotron adds sorting, I'm going to start using it for my
daily work...

Sebastian Rahtz

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