RE: XSLT and Text Processing Languages

Subject: RE: XSLT and Text Processing Languages
From: Matthew Bentley <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 12:03:32 +1200
>2) XSLT does not allow you to output anything to the document prolog
>aside from the doctype statement, and our XML processes expect entity
>declarations for the graphics to be defined there. 

I am using XSLT for just that very purpose - and I test the starting element
to find out which doctype I want to insert - all you have to do is output

<xsl:template match="/">
		<xsl:when test="bva.grp">
disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE VALUE-ADD.GROUP PUBLIC
"-//Brooker's//DTD Brooker's Legislation Value-Add Group//EN">]]></xsl:text>
		<xsl:when test="act">
disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE ACT PUBLIC
"-//Brooker's//DTD Brooker's Act//EN">]]></xsl:text>
		... etc

	<xsl:apply-templates />

And obviously you can put entity references inside the CDATA section as
well, although in this particular case I haven't needed to.


P.S. XSLT can be fast - in my experience the main factor slowing down
performance is the amount of memory needed to process a large document,
which means that heaps of memory gets swapped to the hard drive on a modern
OS (E.g. on a 79MB XML file I was processing, Saxon made the win95 swap file
grow by 350MB). Theoretically then, if you were able to provide a machine
with an extensive amount of ram (say, 512MB), you could probably process the
document reasonably fast.
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