Subject: RE: XSLT and Text Processing Languages From: Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen <TRA@xxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 09:22:31 +0200 |
> This sounds like you were using some features of OmniMark > that don't exist in > XSLT - like shelves/arrays and probably referenents for > foward processing of > the document without processing it twice or requiring the > entire source document > in memory. Shouldn't think so. I'm no Omnimark expert so I have enclosed the source at the end (it isn't long) so you can see for yourself. > released. To fix the > underscore issue all you have to do is provide an SGML > Declaration that allows > '_' to be used in names, by default SGML didn't allow this. A > 2 minute fix > at best. As usual, if you know how to do it. I don't. > Yeah and how many times do you want to go back in and try to > remember what you > did in that regular expression? What is nice about OmniMark Comments are allowed in source. This applies for Perl as well as XSLT and Omnimark. [XSLT] > data. Yeah you may want or need access to the network and > ODBC connections for > other uses and more complete solutions but when I you have a > basic XML -> ? > issue, XSLT is by far easier than any of the other XML > solutions in Perl and > Java and OmniMark is at least in the SGML a complete solution > for DTD based > processing. Soon to have support for DTD less work. "Soon to have" is too late for us. All your stated solutions have advantages and disadvantages in one way or another. You just appear to be in an environment where memory usage is not a problem -- unfortunately I'm not. The source: ; down-translate global stream XmlDclFile global stream DTDFile global stream inputFileName global stream DataItemFile global stream DataLinkFile global stream DataItemFileName global stream DataLinkFileName global stream DataitemKey global stream DataitemType global stream Category global stream DescDisplay global stream DescIndex global stream FromDataitem global stream FromDatatype global stream ToDataitem global stream ToDatatype global stream DataLinktype DEFINE FUNCTION OpenFiles AS open DataItemFile as "%g(DataItemFileName)" open DataLinkFile as "%g(DataLinkFileName)" DEFINE FUNCTION CloseFiles AS close DataItemFile close DataLinkFile DEFINE FUNCTION PrintDataitem AS put DataItemFile "%"%g(DataitemKey)%";%"%g(DataitemType)%";%"%g(DescDisplay)%";%"%g(DescIndex)%"%n" DEFINE FUNCTION PrintDatalink AS put DataLinkFile "%g(FromDataitem)%";%"%g(FromDatatype)%";%"%g(ToDataitem)%";%"%g(ToDatatype)%";%"%g(DataLinktype)%"%n" process ; do xml-parse document scan "test.xml" ; do xml-parse document scan file "%g(DTDFile)" || file "%g(inputFileName)" do xml-parse document scan file "%g(DTDFile)" || file "%g(inputFileName)" ; do xml-parse document scan file "%g(inputFileName)" output "%c" done element rowset OpenFiles OUTPUT "%c" CloseFiles element dataitem set DataitemKey to "" set DataitemType to "" set DescDisplay to "" set DescIndex to "" OUTPUT "%c" PrintDataitem element datalink set FromDataitem to "" set FromDatatype to "" set ToDataitem to "" set ToDatatype to "" set DataLinktype to "" OUTPUT "%c" PrintDatalink element fromdataitem set FromDataitem to "%c" element fromdatatype set FromDatatype to "%c" element todataitem set ToDataitem to "%c" element todatatype set ToDatatype to "%c" element datalinktype set DataLinktype to "%c" element dataitemkey set DataitemKey to "%c" element dataitemtype set DataitemType to "%c" element category set Category to "%c" element descdspl set DescDisplay to "%c" element descindx set DescIndex to "%c" -- Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen "...and...Tubular Bells!" XSL-List info and archive:
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