RE: parameter count in xsl:number

Subject: RE: parameter count in xsl:number
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 17:54:11 +0100
> I'm trying to pass an element as parameter for a named 
> template, to be used 
> in a xsl:number expression. I use it like this :
>              <xsl:number level="any"
>                          format="_1"
>                          count="$element"/>
The count attribute must be a pattern, and "$element" is not a pattern.

It sounds as if $element is a variable that contains a pattern. In general
in XSLT you can't use variables to contain expressions, patterns, or parts
thereof, you can only use them to hold strings, numbers, node-sets, and

You can probably use count="*[name()=$element]", if you're careful about
namespaces. <xsl:number> is the one place in XSLT where variables can be
used within a predicate that forms part of a pattern.

Mike Kay

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