XSLT/XML and HTML Tags in the XML Data

Subject: XSLT/XML and HTML Tags in the XML Data
From: Khalid Ishaque <kIshaque@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 09:41:10 -0500
I am using Oracle's Parser for XML/XSLT to display search results.  We have
some fields in our database that has HTML tags in the data to emphasize the
text in the browser.  A good example of this is to have parts of data being
bold using <STRONG> tag, or displaying information using bullets with <UL>
tags.  I create XML using this data, and when I send the XML to the XSLT
processor, I don't get any results back if there are any HTML tags in the
data.  Is there any way I can have the XSLT processor to ignore the HTML

Thanks for the help.


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