Eliminating CR in a text output

Subject: Eliminating CR in a text output
From: Paul Terray <terray@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 13:10:31 +0100
I'm sorry this surely has been treated before, but I didn't find anything in the archives (missing the good keyword, probably):

I want to transform some XML into some text (Javascript, namely). What I want is to use some of the XML->HTML templates I already wrote. However, it seems the CR found in my XML source arrive in my final text (what javascript does not like at all).

For example, my xml is like this :
<h4 function="high"><ht>Pr&eacute;sentation -

And what I want to get is :
"Présentation - Fonctions"
(with no CR in the middle of my title)

I tried a <xsl:strip-space elements="ht"/> but it only works with a CR before the </ht>.

I work with Oracle parser and processor.

Thanks in advance.
Paul Terray - terray@xxxxxxxxxxxx
tel : 01 34 58 70 76

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