Re: XSLT Engine for Linux

Subject: Re: XSLT Engine for Linux
From: John Robert Gardner <John.Robert.Gardner@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 09:51:38 -0500
Thanks Lars:

I saw the "customizable using XSL and CSS" and so had asked to learn the extent--i.e., XSL extent--of the "customizable" -- so this is not transformative, then?  I'm assuming you have used it?

Following the spec., since any XSL processing is a transformation - in section 1 ". . . when XSLT is trandorming into the XSL formatting vocabulary, the transformation functions as a stylesheet" -- this is a part of the spec that left it unclear to me where the actual use of XSL and the transformation engine would define this Linux tool.  Thanks for clarifying.


<xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
|Date: 12 Sep 2000 10:46:11 +0200
|* John Robert Gardner
|| Anyone try this yet?
|| <snip>
||   subject: XSLies 0.54
||  added by: S. Lempinen on Sep 09th 2000, 11:49 EDT
||   license: Apache style
||  category: Web/Pre-Processors
|| description:
|| XSLies [pronounced: "excess lies"] is a simple XSLT application for
|| making Web-based presentations. It uses a simple XML input file to
|| generate an HTML slideset. The resulting layout is completely
|| customizable using XSL and CSS.
|From the project description it is not an XSLT engine, but an XSLT
|_application_, that is a DTD implemented in XSLT. Xalan-J comes with
|the XSLies distribution...
|--Lars M.
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John Robert Gardner
Enterprise Management Architecture
Sun Microsystems
Burlington, MA 01803
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