Generating two documents

Subject: Generating two documents
From: Guðmundur Erlingsson <txakolin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 13:35:00 -0000
Is it at all possible to translate one xml-file to two different html-files
using the same stylesheet? What I'm thinking of is to display a xml-file (a
simple list of employees) in two different ways, sorted by alphabet and
sorted by division. I can use two different stylesheets to translate the
xml-file to two different, static html-files, no problem. I would, however,
like to be able to generate it on the fly, that is, when a user clicks a
link to the xml file, the html is generated on the server side, and the user
should be able to switch between the two different sorting criterias by
javascript-events or something similar.

is this at all possible or even feasible? Or is it just two much trouble to
be worth the hazzle? I use an Apache server and have thought of using AxKit
for the on-the-fly transition.


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