RE: converting speacial characters ?

Subject: RE: converting speacial characters ?
From: Jukka.T.Lehtinen@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 09:55:11 +0300

> > >Look into the XPath translste() function. It's covered in:
> > >
> > >
> >but it only works on single characters

It works as far there are as many source characters as in converted
character string. 


like -> luck
& -> %

but it doesnt work:

\ -> \\
source -> destination

> Quite so. Thanks for catching me on that, Chris (and aplogies 
> to Jukka for 
> possibly sending him on a wild-goose chase).

No harm done. I tried it firts, but I forget to mention it in my mail.


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