Re: xsl:for-each--stuck on very basic issue

Subject: Re: xsl:for-each--stuck on very basic issue
From: Nick Browne <NickBrowne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 17:34:25 +0100
Eric, for what it is worth your code, as cut from your original mail, worked
OK on Oracle v2.0.2.8.
I assume the value of @name for the page element shows (as your message
implies) thus the template containing the offending for-each is being
processed ? If it is, this would at least confirm that both xml and xsl
documents parse OK and the built-in templates are finding the page element.

To eliminate the (v.small) possibility of any stray unprintable characters in
your source xml, try re-keying the fragment you have shown by hand in to a
fresh document.

Do you have any other stylesheets that use a similar construction that work ?
If so, this would probably eliminate the chance of a configuration problem.


Nick Browne
Slipstone Ltd

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