RE: XSLT V 1.1

Subject: RE: XSLT V 1.1
From: Eckenberger Axel <Extern.Eckenberger@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 13:12:17 +0200
Someone seems to have swallowed the original mail so here's a repost (w/o)
attatchment in case this was the cause.

This looks better, however I think that this will cut the possiblities you
have with the current document function. I re-read the specification
yesterday evening and this is what I came up with. The document function
allows you to do the following (use case), please correct me if I am wrong.

- allows you to retrieve the root node of the stylesheet [document("")]
- allows you to retrieve a single document relative to the stylesheet
- allows you to retrieve a single document relative to an arbitrary node
[document('URI', nodeSet)]

up to this your function (document(string, string?)) works well, but
consider this

- allows you to retrieve more than one document, stored in an xml node-set
(<nodeName>URI</nodeName>), relative to the stylesheet [document(nodeSet)]
- allows you to retrieve more than one document, stored in an xml node-set
(<nodeName>URI</nodeName>), relative to an arbitrary node [document(nodeSet,

This allows you to reference a predefined set of resources. This especially
gets interesting if you consider this 

document(document('relative URI', .), .)
document(document('relative URI', .), document('relative URI'))

and further combinations of this.

I enclosed a zip file with some code to show these use cases. 

I admitt that this might also be possible with your suggestion, however I
think that in the long-run will produce longer, and more difficult code as
you will have nested 
<apply-templates select="document()"/> statements.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Tchistopolskii [mailto:paul@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 3:48 AM
> To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: XSLT V 1.1
> Correcting cut-n-paste typo.
>  ------------------------------
>  New document() semantcis. V 2.0.
>  ------------------------------
>  Function: node-set document( string, string ? ) 
>  The document function allows access to XML sources other than 
>  the main source document.
>  First parameter is the URI of the document to be retrived. 
>  If first parameter is relative URI, second parameter is used to 
>  specify the base URI. If second parameter is not specified, but 
>  first parameter is relative - first URI is resolved relatively 
>  to XML document which is processed.
>  Empty string "" works like a reference to stylesheet 
>  document itself.
>  Thus document("") refers to the root node of the stylesheet, 
>  and document("../some/other.xml", "") resolves the 
>  first URI to relatively to the stylesheet document.
>  XSL-List info and archive:

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