Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests

Subject: Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests
From: "Steve Muench" <smuench@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:13:21 -0700
|  > MSXSL3, NovellXSL, OracleXSL, Saxon, Xalan, and xt.
|            ^^^^^^^^^
| Best known? I count myself as fairly knowledgeable about XSLT, but I
| have never heard of it.

NovellXSL is an integrated part of Novell's DIRXML product
(maybe others) but they don't make it available separately to
the best of my knowledge. I guess it's not one of the best
known, but they provide valuable implementation experience
and feedback nonetheless to the WG.

Sorry for the confusion.

Steve Muench, Lead XML Evangelist & Consulting Product Manager
BC4J & XSQL Servlet Development Teams, Oracle Rep to XSL WG
Author "Building Oracle XML Applications", O'Reilly

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