Output HTML fragments

Subject: Output HTML fragments
From: "Sellmer-Brüls, Barbara" <B.Sellmer-Bruels@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 21:49:13 +0200

Hope this isn't boring, but another question concerning how to pass HTML
fragments through the xsl-processor.

Steve Muench already recommended the following:

>  The typical FAQ in this area is that if you are generating
>  query results that contain HTML fragments like:
>   <ROW>
>    <SKU>12345</SKU>
>    <DESC>Big Red Apple</DESC>
>    <BLURB>
>      &lt;ul>
>        &lt;li>&lt;b>Delicious&lt;/b>&lt;/li>
>        &lt;li>&lt;b>Nutritious&lt;/b>&lt;/li>
>      &lt;/ul>
>    </BLURB>
>   </ROW>
>  </ROWSET>
> And you want the HTML "blurb" to showup "verbatim"
> in the output:
> for this you'd use (assuming the current node is "ROWSET/ROW"):
>   <xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes"
>                           select="BLURB"/>
> This will produce:
> <ul>
>   <li><b>Delicious</b></li>
>   <li><b>Nutritious</b></li>
> </ul>

How do I cope with the following:

    <DESC>Big Red Apple</DESC>
    <BLURB text_type="taste">
        This is  <b>delicious</b> and nutritious.

copy-of results in the text and the markup PLUS the attribute

The result should be an html-file with exactly
        This is  <b>delicious</b> and nutritious.

Thanks + Cheers, Barbara
Barbara Sellmer-Bruels
Klopotek & Partner GmbH - Berlin

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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