Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests

Subject: Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests
From: "Lassi A. Tuura" <lat@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 15:32:21 +0200
> > Hmm, this is starting to sound like I really ought to be using a
> > database and one of the database-aware XSL engines...
> If you can accept the Windows-only implemenation

Windows?  What's that?

More seriously, no -- not used much around here.  As for the database,
we need to track versions of every document and fragment, and a version
management system for files (e.g. CVS) gives straightforward answers for
most of our needs.  It would be interesting to see how this could be
done with a database in a neat, easy-to-use manner.

Well, gee, all the optimization problems are solved for Fortran,
since Fortran is carefully designed so that you're not allowed
depend on stuff that might get optimized away.  --John R. Levine

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