RE: XSL vs. XSLT and processors vs. parsers

Subject: RE: XSL vs. XSLT and processors vs. parsers
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 13:25:09 +0100
> I have recently become confused between the difference of 
> XSLT and actual XSL.

W3C uses XSL to mean the as-yet-unfinished family of standards of which XSLT
is part.
Microsoft uses XSL to mean the language they implemented in IE5, which is
vaguely related to an early draft of XSLT.

An XML processor (popularly called a parser, but called a processor in the
XML Recommendation) reads a source XML file and identifies the syntactic
units such as elements, attributes, and text content.

An XSLT processor takes a stylesheet and applies it to the tree
representation of a source XML document (produced by an XML parser), and
generates a tree representation of an output XML document.  

Mike Kay

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