Re: XSL and HTML layers

Subject: Re: XSL and HTML layers
From: Toni Geoly <tonigeoly@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 13:48:23 -0700 (PDT)
--- Bryce Wells <bryce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>This is a fairly broad topic, but have any of you had
>experience with rendering XML with an XSL stylesheet that
>contains multiple HTML layers?  I would love to hear about
>pitfalls, warnings and any experiences any of you all may
>have had.


I've got multiple HTML layers here, but they all switch out
in the same place, so it's not too bad.

I also have an alternate XSL sheet that can generate this
page that's template-based instead of a million for-each's.

The pitfalls in XML are the same as they are in any DHTML
page - I usually start out with the DHTML first and then
build the XSL I need after it.

Are there any questions in particular that you have?

Sorry if I sound a little disjointed - it's been an
XML/XSLT day - I'm a little fried :)

Ms. Toni Geoly, Interface Engineer
Commerce One Global Services - Northern Virginia Office
p: (703) 254-7573
f: (703) 248-7102

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