RE: more XSLT Processor

Subject: RE: more XSLT Processor
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 09:40:33 +0100
You'll find a list of products if you follow

But they all build a tree of the document in memory (no one has foud a way
of avoiding that), and you won't find one that's faster than xt, except in a
few special cases.

If you are trying to do serial transformations of extremely large documents,
then XSLT may not be the right answer.

Mike Kay

> I am looking for the XSLT Processor, does anyone know where
> can I find it for free? Currently I'm using James Clark's xt
> which implement DOM and it is slow. Can somebody tell me
> where can i find the XSLT Processor that can implement SAX?
> Thank you.
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