RE: Forcing a new line for images

Subject: RE: Forcing a new line for images
From: Todd Willis <Todd.Willis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 09:40:27 -0400
Fantastic!  Thank you John, Paul and Chris.

Todd Willis

-----Original Message-----
From: John E. Simpson [mailto:simpson@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 5:01 PM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Forcing a new line for images

At 02:37 PM 09/20/2000 -0400, Todd Willis wrote:
>I have a large collection of articles that have multiple images. A vendor
>created a "basic" style sheet that formats the images as follows:
><xsl:template match="picture">
>   <IMG ALIGN="left" vspace="2" hspace="8"><xsl:attribute
>name="SRC">images/<xsl:value-of select="@href" /></xsl:attribute></IMG>
>Everything works fine unless the text associated with an image isn't long
>enough to push the successive image "down" the page far enough. So the HTML
>output produces a "stair stepping" of images and text.
>I need to be able to change the style sheet to force a new line for each
>image but being a "newbie," I haven't cracked the code.

Not exactly an XSLT solution, but consider putting an empty <br
clear="left" /> or <br clear="right /> element into the result tree after
the "text associated with an image" (which your template above doesn't
show) or before the <IMG> element's start tag.

John E. Simpson               | "If you were going to         | shoot a mime, would you use
XML Q&A:   | a silencer?" (Steven Wright)

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