Re: <Announcement> Whitehill <xsl>Composer Tutorial ...

Subject: Re: <Announcement> Whitehill <xsl>Composer Tutorial ...
From: Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 16:36:31 +0100
Jim Dorey writes:
 > No more hand coding XSL! Whitehill Technologies is pleased to announce a
 > special tutorial featuring Whitehill <xsl>Composer, the industry's first
 > real-time, WYSIWYG, Drag and Drop stylesheet generator. Due to the

not having quite the patience to fill in the form for the demo
download, reboot into Windows, blah blah blah, can someone who has
seen this answer a simple question? When they say it "generates XSL",
does this mean an XSLT stylesheet which, when `run'[1], generates
HTML? this bears no relation to XSL as in XSL FO?


[1] ie including implicitly in IE5

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