Re: XSL and HTML layers

Subject: Re: XSL and HTML layers
From: Niall Kavanagh <kavanagh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 12:10:45 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Bryce Wells wrote:

> All,
> This is a fairly broad topic, but have any of you had experience with
> rendering XML with an XSL stylesheet that contains multiple HTML layers?  I
> would love to hear about pitfalls, warnings and any experiences any of you
> all may have had.

Hmm... layers? As in the Netscape <LAYER> tag? Bad web monkey! ;)

I've found Shelley Powers X-Objects to be quite useful abstracting the
various DOMs out there:

Haven't run into any problems that I wouldn't otherwise... to paraphrase
another poster, test early, test often, and by all means test with
multiple browsers.


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