Unpredictable evaluation of boolean in XPath expression

Subject: Unpredictable evaluation of boolean in XPath expression
From: Aaron Miller <amiller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 19:13:57 -0700
This is interesting and infuriating. Maybe someone knows why it happens. I

<xsl:variable name="enhancementRows">
<xsl:when test="//enhancementList/graphic or //enhancementList/text">

when I test this logic with something that I know should evaluate to false,
it works MOST of the time. however, sometimes it doesn't. Meaning what is
false is somehow evaluating to true.

I tested this as a fix:

<xsl:when test="//enhancementList/graphic or //enhancementList/text">
<xsl:variable name="enhancementRows"> 45px,60px,* </xsl:variable>
<xsl:variable name="enhancementRows"> 45px,* </xsl:variable>

and found that it results in an error, at the line with <xsl:choose> in it.

So what is wrong with each of these?


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