RE: auto-numbering

Subject: RE: auto-numbering
From: madhu <bmadi_1@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:39:45 +0530
i can understand your keenness to help others in guiding them but it would also
help if you set  in your mailer  ( which ever you are using)  the word wrap to
about 70 or 75. it would help us newbei's to also read.
usually in settings or tools | option in your mailer 

a lot of people will appreciate such a gesture 

thank you

PS: please dont flame me if you get the same message 4-6 times there is
something wrong with this list as DaveP has pointed out

  On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Michael Beddow wrote:

> On Sat, 23 Sep 2000 20:49:07 EDT Dhruv Raheja wrote:
> >  I am in the process of developing tech manuals in XML

                To tread the sharp edge of a sword
                To run on smooth-frozen ice,
                One needs no footsteps to follow.
                Walk over the cliffs with hands free.


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