xsl:copy-of, variables, and parameters

Subject: xsl:copy-of, variables, and parameters
From: "DuCharme, Robert" <Robert.DuCharme@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:31:50 -0400
I realize that section 11.3 of the XSLT spec ("Using Values of Variables and
Parameters with xsl:copy-of") is a subsection of section 11 ("Variables and
Parameters") but I still don't understand section 11.3's title. The single
paragraph in the 11.3 explains xsl:copy-of well enough, but it doesn't
mention this instruction's relationship to  XSLT variables and parameters,
as its title promises. Is there something special about this relationship
that I'm missing?

Bob DuCharme          www.snee.com/bob           <bob@  
snee.com>  "The elements be kind to thee, and make thy
spirits all of comfort!" Anthony and Cleopatra, III ii

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