Q XSLT: How to copy elements with XT?

Subject: Q XSLT: How to copy elements with XT?
From: v.rudowitsch@xxxxxx
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 16:17:09 +0100
I use XHTML DTD with my special elements (as part of %mics; Entity)
For instance my XML has two elements MyQuery and QueryResult in
addition to usual XHTML elements.

I load the XML file into DOM tree, then search through it,
get SQL statements from MyQuery elements, perform SQL queries and
substitute  MyQuery with QueryResult. Then I use XSLT to
convert QueryResult into (X)HTML table.

The problem is that I do not know how apply templates to my elements
only and copy XHTML tags into result file without changes.

The solution for Copying form FAQ does not pass while I should
use XT processor. I had tested template from FAQ with XML Spy internal
processor, but I got no results too.



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