Re: Converting poorly formed HTML into well-formed XML

Subject: Re: Converting poorly formed HTML into well-formed XML
From: Lawrence Mielniczuk <lwm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:58:57 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
FYI - from the website:
If you are looking for Java HTML Tidy, I am no longer maintaining it. I suggest you monitor HTML Tidy for updated information. 

> I'd recommend leveraging Andy Quick's excellent (open source)
> Java implementation of Dave Raggett's HTML "Tidy" utility called
> JTidy.

Lawrence Mielniczuk
Room 314
Bodleian Library
Oxford OX1 3BG
Tel: (01865) 277 114
Mobile: 0794 101 5689

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