RE: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse docume nt order.

Subject: RE: Baffled by xsl:sort - want to process nodes in reverse docume nt order.
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:11:23 +0100
> Perhaps this is a difference of interpretation of the 
> recommendation, but I suspect it is a bug in Xalan and XT, as their
> really does not make sense to me.
Until a very late stage in XSLT drafting, the spec made no statement about
the context for evaluation of the select attribute of the xsl:sort element.
I pointed out the omission, and the relevant sentence was added in the final
draft. I'm not surprised that xt doesn't implement it, since xt was in
effect frozen earlier than the XSLT spec.

Mike Kay

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