RE: Escaping characters from my XML

Subject: RE: Escaping characters from my XML
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 13:19:56 +0100
> My XML looks like this:	<name>John "J" Smith </name>
> My XSL looks like this:   var myVariable = "<xsl:value-of 
> select="name"/>"
> What's rendered is     :   var myVariable = "John "J" Smith"
> Some how I need to deal with the fact that there are quotes 
> in my data. 

If you want to replace the quotes with another single character, use
translate(). To replace it with a longer string, you need to write a
recursive template, which isn't too difficult: there are examples in the
FAQ, I think.

Mike Kay

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