RE: IE5.5 happy with xsl:import but VB crashes

Subject: RE: IE5.5 happy with xsl:import but VB crashes
From: Joshua Allen <joshuaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 14:33:02 -0700
FYI, it works OK with my test tool at, which is VB6.
One gotcha I know of is that the xsl:import relative path uses whatever
working directory VB happens to be using.  So if you are running from the
IDE, the working directory would be the location of the VB development
environment files, but when you compile and launch the .EXE outside the IDE,
you could have a different working directory.  Make sure your files to be
imported are in the same working directory that you happen to be using or
else use the full path.  Also, there is a VB statement (I think chdir) that
lets you change the directory that the transformnode would then use..

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neil Hunter [mailto:HunterN@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 8:07 AM
> To: 'xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: IE5.5 happy with xsl:import but VB crashes
> Hi, 
> I have an XML document that includes a reference to an 
> external stylesheet.
> The referenced stylesheet uses the <xsl:import/> directive to 
> import other
> stylesheets. When I view the document in IE5.5 the 
> transformation completes
> successfully, including the imported templates.
> If I instead apply the stylesheet within Visual Basic 6 using
> transformNodeToObject then VB crashes (Dr. Watson error). However if I
> remove the <xsl:import/> directive from the stylesheet VB performs the
> remaining transformation successfully.
> For some reason including <xsl:import> causes VB to crash 
> where IE5.5 is
> perfectly happy.
> Is there someting I don't know about how VB handles <xsl:import/>  ?
> Neil.
> Neil Hunter
> NMSD, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House,
> Science Park, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, CB4 0WF.
> Fax +44 (0)1223 420247.  Tel +44 (0)1223 432213
> P.S. I am running WINNT SP5 and VB SP3 with MSXML3.DLL. Same result on
> several PC's)
> 	. 
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