Re: XSLT on Mac

Subject: Re: XSLT on Mac
From: terje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Terje Norderhaug)
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 00:16:17 -0700
At 1:44 PM 9/28/00, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>I do my writing and editing on my iBook laptop, and I could
>use a good XSLT processor.  Anyone found anything they like
>which runs decent on MacOS 9?

We have an XSLT processor in progress for Interaction and our other Mac XML
software (the Emilé XML editor and XPublish website publishing system). It
currently is limited to the core XSLT functionality, but we have a solid
XPath and DOM2 implementation lying under, so the remaining work is mostly
icing. Keep an eye on <> for news.

-- Terje Norderhaug <terje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

President & Chief Technologist
Media Design in*Progress
San Diego, California

Software for Mac Web Professionals at <>.
Take advantage of XML with Emile, the first XML editor for Mac.

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