RE: [xsl] Using XPath expressions in modes

Subject: RE: [xsl] Using XPath expressions in modes
From: "Michael Kay" <mhkay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 17:52:03 +0100
> This seems like a very basic question, but I wasn't able to locate the
> answer to this on any FAQs....

It's in the Dave Pawson FAQ under "things you can't do in XSLT".

> 		<xsl:apply-templates select="category-list"
> mode="$mode"/>

> Using $mode doesn't seem to work.  Is it even legal?

No, it isn't legal. The mode attribute must be a QName, not an XPath

Next question: no, mode="{$mode}" doesn't work either.

Mike Kay
Software AG

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