RE: [xsl] passing in path names of nodes as parameters?

Subject: RE: [xsl] passing in path names of nodes as parameters?
From: "Michael Kay" <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 08:47:28 -0000
> i have been trying to specify the path of a node as a
> parameter to  my stylesheet.
> in my stylesheet, i am trying to access the children of this
> node.
> so on the command line i say,
> java **parser -param nodeparent /A/B

You are passing in a string "/A/B". There's no way the processor can know
that you are thinking of this as an XPath expression. If you want to
evaluate it as an XPath expression, you will need the evaluate() extension
function, e.g.

for-each select="xx:evaluate($nodeparent)/*

Mike Kay

> in my stylesheet, i want to say
> for each select="$nodeparent/*"
> in order to select the children of that node.
> i saw messages listing you can't specify a variable name in
> a select. is there any way by which i can accomplish the above?
> thanks,
> Charu.
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