Re: Designing XML for XSLT (Was: Re: [xsl] newbie: xsl:key and summation of substrings)

Subject: Re: Designing XML for XSLT (Was: Re: [xsl] newbie: xsl:key and summation of substrings)
From: Oleg Tkachenko <olegt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:34:41 +0200
Jeni Tennison wrote:

 - keep numbers and units separate
 - be consistent in case use in attribute/element values
 - use namespaces to embed HTML in XML, not CDATA sections

Any others?

- Something about poor group design like <group name="group1"/> <item/> <item/> <group name="group2"/> <item/> ?

- don't couple different data in one value
(<e value="Author1Fantasy"/> case) ?

Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn International, Israel

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