Re: [xsl] variable going out of scope in a for-each loop? sub and grand totals

Subject: Re: [xsl] variable going out of scope in a for-each loop? sub and grand totals
From: Eric Smith <Eric.Smith@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 22:01:17 +0100
According to Nate Austin on Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 10:17:19AM -0600:
> Eric -
> If it's always the last two nodes that you want to multiply, then it's
> pretty straight forward:
> <xsl:value-of select="cell[last()-1] * cell[last()]"/>
> (where row is the current node).
> If you just want the product of all nodes that are numbers, you have to use
> a recursive process.  You can start by selecting all number nodes by using a
> select expression similar to the xsl:if you used:  <xsl:variable
> name="numberNodes" select="cell[number(.)=number(.)]"/>  (replace
> xsl:variable with xsl:with-param to pass it to your recursive template).

Your above code works perfectly (of course), now I need to give a grandtotal
of all the prododucts I calculated above.  Does that mean that I
need to loop through the table twice once to create all those
subtotals as above and again to get the sum of all of them with a recursive template?
Not sure how to implement this ....

> Alternately, if it's possible to use extension functions and you're using
> Saxon, I'm sure Mike has one that'll make this job a piece of cake.  I'll
> leave it to him (or whoever else steps up) to give that to you.

Nope I am using xsltproc for now because of the reason below.

Eric Smith - currently using xalan and xsltproc - what a difference speed makes - and fop on linux

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