Re: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie

Subject: Re: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie
From: "Tim Gray" <timgray@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 16:49:20 -0000
The short answer to your question is yes. You will need PWS... hers how it all

You use your ASP pages to connect to an Access database (.mdb file) from there
you write an ASP app to convert your SQL query results from the database to XML
markup. You can either save it as a file or format the outbound XML as you want
via your XSL style sheet.

It may be a better bet to us Internet Information Server (IIS), it is a more
powerful version of PWS, but will require a Windows NT/2000 box to run on.

Hope this helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Ferrando" <mikeferrando@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:48 PM
Subject: [xsl] Dumb questions from a newbie

> Friends,
> I am a new XML/ XSL user. I took a class with Daniel Pitti at
> Charlottesville, VA and I am using Note Tab Pro and Saxon. I bought
> Michael Kay's book _XSL Programmer's Reference_ and it was wonderful
> but a some of the examples were a little over my head. However, that
> has not stopped me from being successful at writing xsl style sheets
> for my EAD documents.
> My question is about being able to write xsl to pull data out of mdb
> files?  Is this possible? I was told I need to have at least the
> Microsoft PWS that uses ASP script (which I can use SQL within it). I
> dream of writing an xsl stylesheet for some of these database files.
> My PWS was working ok, but my Windows 95 PC went down, so I don't
> have it anymore.
> If anyone might have a suggestion, I would appreciate it.
> Mike F.
> Library of Congress
> Washington, DC
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