[xsl] xsl:param and replace.xsl

Subject: [xsl] xsl:param and replace.xsl
From: Mike Ferrando <mikeferrando@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:57:36 -0800 (PST)
I am trying to process some xml xsl documents from Michael Kay's book
on page 518 (authors.xml replace.xsl).

My objective is to use the xsl stylesheet to replace text in a xml
document without creating a new document. But I am getting an error
when I type the command at the dos prompt for saxon. The command line
is given in the book.

saxon source.xml replace.xsl replace=author by=***

The error I get is "Source file source.xml does not exist."

So, I typed in "authors.xml" for "source.xml" and I get the output in
the dos window. I can create a file with it by ">newfile.xml", but
the authors.xml file is untouched.

Anybody know what I am doing wrong?

Mike F.

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