Subject: [xsl] outputting   to HTML (not so final answer) From: Aniceto López <aniceto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 12:17:49 +0100 |
Here I go again: THANKS Mike for your mail and patience. I can understand gurus tired about answering same questions for years but this is a choice, you can say nothing, you can print a url with related info or give an explanation but no need to be unpolite anyway. Newbies are joining the list everyday so this kind of questions are expected to appear from time to time. You are rigth about my answer, I should have give a better explantion but had no time for literature in that moment and sometimes you can`t spend some minutes to go deeper in the problem just need a solution (maybe no the finest but working) and then (in calm, coffe in hand) make the efford to understand and improve the solution. Life is not so simple. Anyway, maybe I'm stupid but I've read (thanks Trevor N. and Dave P.) but still have the same problem: using "<xsl:output method="html"/> +   combination" I can have something like "<td> </td>" not "<td> </td>" as desired to solve the netscape cell problem I can read in secction 2: "You can even declare nbsp in an internal subset of your stylesheet if you want a friendlier representation of the character" but I can't guess that it means so working with msxml3 as I do, the awfull <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&nbsp;</xsl:text> solution is the only working one I can find even when I need some together ( ) can anybody show other nice (guru point of view) solution for a xslt-nerd like me? if not world will keep on turning same speed every day. Aniceto Lopez Barcelona - Spain XSL-List info and archive:
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