RE: [xsl] SAXON Fatal Error UTF-8 sequence (character code: 0x63)

Subject: RE: [xsl] SAXON Fatal Error UTF-8 sequence (character code: 0x63)
From: Mike Ferrando <mikeferrando@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 07:54:19 -0800 (PST)
So the number "33064" is how many bytes from the beginning of the
document the error occured? Is it possible to figure out where that
would be?

Mike F.

--- Michael Kay <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > As a result, I knew it must be a character problem but I didn't
> know
> > where to look in the document because the column and line numbers
> > were so wacky. Is there a way to decipher this error location
> when it
> > happens so I won't have to do the same thing again?
> >
> > > >   Line:   -1
> > > >   Column: 33064
> >
> > I read somewhere that this is a binary location. Does that mean I
> > could translate it (from however saxon is giving the location)
> and
> > find out where it is in my document? (Hey, I am really trying to
> > figure out how saxon comes up with this location.)
> Basically, AElfred has to translate bytes into characters before it
> can work
> out where the line endings are. If a failure occurs while doing
> that
> translation, then it can't give you the line and column number, so
> instead
> it just gives you the byte offset in the file.
> Mike Kay
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