[xsl] appending to XML file before closing tag

Subject: [xsl] appending to XML file before closing tag
From: "William S." <wstan@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 14:53:10 +0200
This works pretty well to append content to
an XML file. However, I need to keep the
closing tag where it belongs: at the end of
the file. This only appends to the end and
doesn't work.

I use ...

$myecho = "Hello World";
$file_name = "file.xml";
$file_pointer = fopen($file_name, "a");
fwrite($file_pointer, $myecho);

I know I need to introduce: fread() and fseek().
but not sure how to put it all together.

Amsterdam, NL

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