RE: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl ...)

Subject: RE: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl ...)
From: "Hunsberger, Peter" <Peter.Hunsberger@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 11:17:21 -0500
> what about something super simple eg.
> <transform xmlns="urn:jaxp">
> <style name="iebrowser" href="iebrowser.xsl" error="error.xsl">
>    <option property="INDENT">yes</option>
>    <option property="METHOD">xhtml</option>
>    <option property="VERSION">1.0</option>
>    <param name="test">1</param>
> </style>
> <style name="print" href="print.xsl" error="error.xsl">
>    <option property="INDENT">yes</option>
>    <option property="METHOD">xhtml</option>
>    <option property="VERSION">1.0</option>
>    <param name="test">1</param>
> </style>
> </transform>

This looks like you're reinventing media types...???  The difference perhaps
being that you call one style sheet that makes the decisions instead of
calling different style sheets having the decision already made for you?
That of course would be a trivial distinction since multiple style sheets
can still import/include other style sheets.

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