Subject: RE: [xsl] node-set from a string? From: "Michael Kay" <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 15:38:24 +0100 |
> I need to find a way to pass a well-formed XML string into an > XSLT transformation You can't do anything with a well-formed XML string until you have parsed it; and there is no standard way of parsing XML from within a transformation, so it's better to parse it first and then pass in the resulting tree. (Though Saxon 7.1 offers saxon:parse() as an extension function.) The xx:node-set() function does something quite different. Michael Kay Software AG home: Michael.H.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx work: Michael.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that I can > a) Extract a bit of data from it to use during the transform > b) Pass the string intact so that it becomes the value of an > HTML input in a web page which can subsequently submitted to > another page so as to preserve state information. > > I am working with the Oracle XML Developer's Kit which I have used > sucessfully for some months now. Now I'm coming to a feature which > I haven't used before, but I've seen it discussed on the list from > time to time. > > I think I need to use the "oracle:node-set()" function to draw this > string into an object (a node-set object) on which I can use XPath > to extract the the bit of data I need during the transformation. > > Looking on page 758 of XSLT Programmer's Reference (2nd Edition), I > see what looks like the nugget I'm looking for. Except for > one thing. What I want to turn into a node-set comes into my > XSLT as a parameter. > > This parameter is a string (I've doubly-quoted it so that the > processor > > does not try to interpret it as an XPath statement. The example in the > > book uses unquoted, literal XHTML in defining the content of > the variable. > > Here is the place where I try to make the magic happen: > > ... > <xsl:param name="passThroughs" /> > <xsl:template match="/"> > <xsl:variable name="passThroughDoc" > select="oracle:node-set($passThroughs)" > xmlns:oracle="" > /> ... And here is the error message I get when I fail: > ORA-20100: Error occurred while processing: XSL-1019: > (Error) Expected 'result-tree-fragment' instead of 'string'. > > Am I completely on the wrong path here, or is there some small thing > > which has escaped my notice? > > Thanks. > > -- > Charles Knell > cknell@xxxxxxxxxx - email > > > XSL-List info and archive: > XSL-List info and archive:
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