RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable c annot be resolved.

Subject: RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable c annot be resolved.
From: "Kienle, Steven C [IT/0200]" <steven.c.kienle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 07:56:34 -0500
Actually, I'm not sure an intuitive language is good, or even possible.
Look at all spoken languages.  In the programming world, using C as an
example, there are many things which can be intuitively understandable with
enough knowledge of the core, but end up causing more bugs than that
intuition is worth:  for example

     if (i = j)

as an assignment and non-zero value test. That really does make intuitive
sense if you understand the history of the language.

I'd rather have a language which is easy to learn, doesn't allow flaws like
the above, even if it has no "intuitive-ity".


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