Re: [xsl] xalan extensions SQL Oracle Driver

Subject: Re: [xsl] xalan extensions SQL Oracle Driver
From: "arun prasath" <arunwaits@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2003 12:53:05 +0530
Pietschmann wrote:
he best guess is that the jar containing the driver is not
n the classpath, or if you use this from a servlet container
t can't be accessed.
This hasn't much to do with XSLT, ask whoever provides the
framework you've the Xalan plugged in.

Thanks Pietschmann for ur reply.
I am sure that the driver is in classpath of my system. I have made it sure again.
I am calling the xsl from my standalone java client. I am not running it from a servlet.
still dont know why this driver is not supported by xalan.

s.arun prasath

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