Subject: [xsl] thanks: (to XSL-List) - success in releasing alpha 1 of our proof of concept PDF & HTML document synthesis / publishing system From: "SANWAL, ABHISHEK (HP-Houston)" <abhishek.sanwal@xxxxxx> Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 21:21:09 -0600 |
I would like to thank all the people who helped me out in figuring out and working around the nuances of XSL, XSL-FO and a few more things. I started off on this project with very basic and elementary knowledge of XSL with nothing but a drive, and a gut feel about my ability to learn new technologies, and slowly have gotten to a point where my posts to XSL-list have become more infrequent and hehe.. less elementary. At this moment I have a very well developed rendering engine that is able to generate documents from "huge" XMLs. The best part about it was designing the architecture of the XSL files and the modular templates in such a way that the parameterization and customized templates allow very flexible options in being able to rendering a given XML document in a large number of ways in terms of physical layout. Of course I cannot post that code hehe... , but interesting bits and pieces of my experiments with truth and XSL can be observed in the threads I have initiated. But, I cannot thank enough some of the people on this list. This is the number 1 resource for XSL issues in the world. I am not mentioning any names here, but all of you who did take the time to help me out over the last few months do know in essence. I am of course thinking of writing an article, tutorial and/or a white-paper / case study on this experience as I have used a number of those to learn myself. (XML Conference 2002). I hope that can be of help to someone and will satisfy my appetite to write a paper since my last one at Grad School. (esp. Developing Enterprise Stylesheets was a primary reference) I would appreciate any suggestions / input on what would be a good place to which I should send the paper / article. Once again, thank you all. Regards, Abhishek Sanwal HP - Houston Campus abhishek.sanwal@xxxxxx XSL-List info and archive:
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